光學鎖相環和相位延遲器-PhaseLock飛秒激光重頻鎖定-光學鎖相環激光光束指向穩定係統真空束線穩定係統空間光-單模光纖耦合穩定係統4D位置敏感探測器(4D PSD)高精度步進電機/壓電陶瓷控製係統HF2LL 係列50MHz雙通道高頻鎖相環高速激光束轉向係統FASTLIGHT激光功率穩定係統(noise eater)激光功率穩定器NoiseEater
飛秒激光重頻鎖定器-光鎖相環可以高精度地檢測光脈衝(chong) 序列與(yu) 微波信號零交叉之間的時間延遲。它生成一個(ge) 基帶信號,該信號與(yu) 兩(liang) 個(ge) 輸入之間的時間誤差成正比,從(cong) 而可以在鎖相環配置中用於(yu) 將激光與(yu) 微波源緊密同步,反之亦然。由於(yu) 其采用平衡光學探測的檢測方案,使得飛秒脈衝(chong) 重頻鎖定器對光源和微波源的幅值波動都具有免疫能力,大大抑製了光檢測過程中的AM-PM轉換噪聲。
超快激光重頻與(yu) 微波信號的同步鎖定
微波信號與(yu) 超快激光重頻之間的同步鎖定
微波源與(yu) 穩定光纖鏈路輸出的同步
由超快光學振蕩器產(chan) 生超低噪聲微波信號
與(yu) 束到達監測器(BAM)一起使用時,超快激光與(yu) 加速器中電子束的同步
Parameter | Value | Unit | Comment |
Detector sensitivity | > 0.05 | mV / fs | At the detector output (not amplified) |
Detector resolution | < 0.5 | fs | Integrated detector noise floor within 10 kHz bandwidth |
Control system | included | Available in Epics, Tango… | |
Auto lock | included | ||
Dimensions | Rack mountable, 19 inch width, 5HU | ||
Weight | 10-20 | kg | Depending on options |
RF input power | >15 | dbm | Up to 10 GHz. BOMPD tailored to frequency of interest |
Optical input wavelength | 800 ± 30 1550 ± 40 | nm | Operating at pulsed mode |
Optical input power | > 50* > 20** | mW | * Required average power for 800nm version ** Required average power for 1550nm version |
Optical input type | PM Fiber | FC or SC connector | |
Pulse repetition rate | < 10 | GHz | BOMPD is tailored for the repetition rate of interest |
RF Generation Option for BOMPD | |||
VCO | Included | Customizable upon request | |
Integrated feedback | Included | Optimized PID parameters | |
Timing Jitter | < 30 | fs RMS | Within 35 μHz - 1 MHz bandwidth; relative to the master oscillator |
RF output frequency | < 10 | GHz | Can be tailored for the frequency of interest |
Locking bandwidth | > 10 | kHz | Between the optical master and RF slave oscillator |
RF output power | > 10 | dBm | 50 Ω impedance |
RF power stability | < 0.1 | % | |
Low Noise Option for BOMPD | |||
VCO | Included | ||
Timing Jitter | < 5 | fs RMS | Within 35 μHz - 1 MHz bandwidth; relative to the master oscillator |